League of Legends

League of Legends is a multi player strategy game where there are 5 players on 2 teams. You have to choose a lane whether to go middle, top, jungle, bottom, and support. There are about 150 champions to choose and for each champion and there are different attacks fro each character. The main attack keys are Q, W, E, R and some otherattacks include F and D.


Zed, is my favorite character in LOL. It's a assasin, and he is a mid. Zed is called the master of the shadows. He uses Energy instead of Mana and does lots of damage. His Q is a Razor Shuriken W is his living shadow it makes a shadow of himself and you can use it to combo the enemy or to run. Zed's E is a slash, and Zed's super is called a dark mark, it marks your enemy and you can dash into your target, and after about 7 seconds the death mark explodes which deals damage to your enemy.


Rengar, is also a type of assasin. It usually goes top and jungle, the reason is because rengar needs a bush to jump on his enemies and suprise attack. Rengar's Q is called a Savagery, it stabs the enemy, W is a Roar which heals 50 percent of his HP after he gets hit. E is a Bola strike, he throws a bola to the enemy which makes then slow. Rengar's R is called a thrill of the hunt, He becomes invisable and jumps on his enemies.


Pyke, is also a assasin it usually goes Support and mid. His Q is a harpoon which pulls his enmy toward him and makes them slow. W is a Ghostwater Dive which makes him invisable and you can suprise the enemy, it also heals you. E is a dahsh toward his target and his phantom followes him which can stun your enemy. R is called a Death from bellow which can one-shot his enemy when they are low HP, it marks a shape X and strikes it to the ground.


Yasuo, is a Skirmisher and usually goes to mid top and bottom. His Q is a sword slash towards his enemies and if he hits it 2 time, he can shoot a tornado storm. Which connects his his R, when the enemy gets hut by the tornado, Yasuo can dash in and slash his enemy. Yasuo's W is a wind shield that can protect him from getting hit. His E is called a sweeping blade which he dashes into his target.


Evelynn, is a assain and she goes to Jungle. Her Q is a dart and spikes coming out from the ground. W is a mark to the enemy and when you hit the enemy you can charm them for a few seconds. Her E is a slash and Evelynn's R is also a whipslash but when the enemy is low HP she does tons of damage which dashes into the enemy and after the slash, she goes a little back.